
Blog Posts by
MAAC Staff

Asbestos January 28, 2021 MAAC Staff
Chrysotile Asbestos Risk

EPA Confirms All Six Current Asbestos Uses Are a Health Risk

At the end of 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a Final Risk Evaluation for Asbestos, Part 1: Chrysotile Asbestos. The evaluation looked…

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Asbestos January 21, 2021 MAAC Staff
Pennsylvania School Empty Classroom

Pennsylvania Students Put at Risk After Asbestos Contamination Cover-up

Officials at a Pennsylvania school district were notified of asbestos and lead contamination in several schools. The district’s officials did not clean up the…

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Treatment January 14, 2021 MAAC Staff
TTFields for Mesothelioma

Expanding Availability of TTFields for Mesothelioma Patients

Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) are a newer treatment option in the mesothelioma community. TTFields target mesothelioma cancer by producing low-intensity electrical currents. These disrupt…

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Asbestos January 5, 2021 MAAC Staff
Asbestos on Beaches

Dangers From Asbestos Debris on Beaches

Asbestos can end up on beaches after a hurricane, flood or other natural disasters. Severe weather can damage asbestos-containing structures and create asbestos debris.…

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Treatment December 22, 2020 MAAC Staff
GATA3 Biomarker Signals Survival Differences in Male and Female Mesothelioma Patients

GATA3 Biomarker Signals Survival Differences in Male and Female Mesothelioma Patients

Researchers in Australia studying the biomarker GATA3 found female patients with the biomarker typically have more favorable survival rates than male patients with the…

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Asbestos December 17, 2020 MAAC Staff
COVID-19 Mask for Libby Asbestos Risk

Libby, Montana Residents Face Unique COVID-19 Challenges

As coronavirus cases increase in the United States, Libby, MT faces a unique challenge. Many Libby residents are at high risk of COVID-19 health…

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Asbestos December 10, 2020 MAAC Staff
Burnt Asbestos Building from Wildfire

U.S. Wildfires Raise Asbestos Concerns

State officials in the western United States are concerned recent wildfires may create an asbestos risk. Wildfires continue to destroy old buildings and homes,…

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Community December 3, 2020 MAAC Staff
Mesothelioma Caregiver

Caring for a Loved One With Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma patients often rely on a loved one as their primary caregiver. There are several aspects individuals should consider when becoming a caregiver. Mesothelioma…

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