The Mesothelioma and Asbestos Awareness Center is a website and advocacy group that helps the victims of asbestos exposure and their loved ones. We connect our visitors with the resources they need to understand and fight asbestos-related disease, all at no cost.
“The Mesothelioma + Asbestos Awareness Center has been a great source of information through the great articles from health care providers and patients. I am so thankful to be able to access their resources and be able to guide family and friends to to this wonderful website.”
“Until my father got sick, my family and I didn't know much about mesothelioma or asbestos. When the doctor told us about the Mesothelioma + Asbestos Awareness Center website, we learned so much through the articles on the webpage. It has really been helpful not only to us, but to others who we know are dealing with the same thing.”
“Asbestos is a hidden danger that can cause devastating cancer but is easily preventable if one knows to look for it. Asbestos is not banned in the US because of special interest influence on the EPA. It is important for experts to directly communicate the dangers of asbestos to the community at large since the government and EPA have failed in this regard. One only has to look at the safety failures in the aftermath of 9/11.”