Asbestos is a mineral that has been used in thousands of products. Exposure to asbestos-containing materials can cause mesothelioma and other diseases.
Key Points
Asbestos is a natural mineral used in many types of products because of its properties.
Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma.
Although it is a known carcinogen, asbestos is not fully banned in the United States.
Exposure occurs from job sites, the military, asbestos products or secondhand.
What Is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a natural mineral that has been mined and used for centuries. When added to products, the mineral increases durability and heat and chemical resistance.
Long considered a “miracle” mineral, asbestos has been used in thousands of products. Asbestos is often found in insulation and other construction materials, car brakes, hairdryers and many other types of products.
At the height of its use, asbestos could be found in more than 3,000 consumer products.
Over time, researchers realized the dangers associated with asbestos. When asbestos materials are disturbed or damaged, asbestos fibers can release into the air and cause dangerous exposure.
When people inhale or ingest the microscopic fibers, it can lead to serious health problems, such as mesothelioma and asbestosis.
Types of Asbestos
There are six types of asbestos and all forms are carcinogenic. However, researchers have noted some types are more dangerous than others. Certain types of asbestos result in a higher risk for mesothelioma or another similar diagnosis.
All types of asbestos are fibrous, but the difference between these categories is the appearance of the microscopic fibers. The only serpentine type of asbestos is chrysotile. This form is curly and is easily woven.
Dangers of Asbestos Exposure
Asbestos has been linked to mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases since at least the 1920s. The connection to disease didn’t slow down use of the mineral by asbestos companies.
From the 1930s through the late 1970s, asbestos use skyrocketed throughout the United States and the world, putting millions of people at risk of exposure.
During this time, the connection between asbestos exposure and cancer risk became clearer. Reports of mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases increased dramatically.
Any amount of asbestos exposure, even limited, is considered dangerous. All asbestos exposure can later lead to a mesothelioma diagnosis.
How Asbestos Exposure Causes Mesothelioma
When inhaled or ingested, asbestos fibers embed into the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart. The fibers can cause inflammation and scarring of the organ linings. After 10 – 50 years, this damage can develop into mesothelioma tumors or other related conditions.
The type of mesothelioma depends on where in the body the asbestos fibers embed. The most common form of mesothelioma develops in the lungs.
In addition to mesothelioma, asbestos exposure can cause various other conditions.
Some of these asbestos diseases, such as pleural thickening and pleural plaques, are not considered deadly. These can be managed like a chronic disease.
Mesothelioma, on the other hand, has an average prognosis of 12 – 21 months.
Preventing asbestos exposure is vital. The mineral is not yet fully banned in the U.S. and past uses still linger throughout the world, putting people at risk.
Common Places to Find Asbestos
The use of asbestos in the United States is decreasing. However, the mineral can still be found in thousands of older homes, buildings and schools built before 1980.
Knowing where asbestos can potentially be found is essential in preventing exposure. There is no way to identify asbestos with the naked eye, but there are some products and areas of the home more likely to contain the mineral.
These are just a sample of the numerous products that have been made with asbestos. Today, up to 1% asbestos is still allowed in certain products with historic use. This continues to put the public at risk of exposure.
How to Identify Asbestos
Although you can’t see asbestos with the naked eye, there are ways to identify potentially asbestos-containing products.
For instance, asbestos is very common in older homes. If a home was built before 1980, it may contain asbestos. Those who own older homes should call an asbestos professional who can take a sample to test for asbestos.
Some asbestos professionals have noted several basic visual inspections and considerations that may help identify asbestos products and put homeowners’ minds at ease.
- Check surface patterns on materials like roofing and shingles: Asbestos is known to have a dimpling effect or create shallow craters.
- Examine interior and exterior joints: On the outside of buildings and homes, asbestos sheets were often joined by aluminum runners, with plastic or wooden runners for the interior. Asbestos could also be found in adhesives, such as window putty, drywall tape and joint cement.
- Consider the location in the home: Bathrooms are often cited as having asbestos in the floor tiles. Basements commonly had the mineral around hot water pipes, furnaces and boilers. Asbestos cement and ductwork containing the mineral can also be found in basements. Asbestos insulation is most common in the attic.
Anyone who suspects asbestos in the home should contact a certified asbestos professional. They can perform an inspection to test for asbestos and determine if remediation is required.
How Are People Exposed to Asbestos?
There are several common asbestos exposure scenarios, such as workplace exposure, secondary exposure and environmental exposure.
Occupational exposure is the most common, with reports citing asbestos as the number one cause of occupational cancer. Construction workers, shipyard workers and veterans are among the most vulnerable.
Family members and loved ones are also at risk of secondhand exposure. Asbestos fibers may be brought home on:
- Clothing
- Equipment
- Workers’ hair
For decades, the primary cause of mesothelioma in women and younger adults was secondhand exposure.
The public may also face the health risks of exposure from natural asbestos in the environment. Recent studies have shown environmental exposure is on the rise. If the asbestos becomes disturbed in some way, such as during a natural disaster, it can create asbestos dust that community members may inhale or ingest.
Handling Asbestos
There are strict laws and regulations on the federal, state and local levels on how asbestos can be removed and disposed of.
If you suspect asbestos in your home or a building you plan to renovate, it’s important to contact an asbestos professional. An accredited abatement specialist can inspect the structure for asbestos and make recommendations on next steps, such as removal.
Do not try to handle asbestos on your own, as this could lead to exposure and serious health hazards.
Asbestos Legislation
Asbestos is not yet fully banned in the United States. However, there are federal and state laws in place to restrict usage and help protect people from the health effects of exposure.
The details and enforcement of these laws is the responsibility of the:
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Advocates have been fighting for an asbestos ban in the United States for years.
Asbestos is still legal to produce, import and export in about 70% of the world.